Invoice report calculations

Units - Green report

You start the period of the report with 5 Units of RAM.   The Unit calculation would be:

(5 Units * 6 hrs) / 6 hrs = 5 Units used during the reporting period.

Units - Purple report

You start the period of the report with 5 Units of RAM. 8 hours into the report, you up your RAM to 7 Units.  The Unit calculation would be:

(5 Units * 8 hrs) + (7 Units * 5 hrs) / 13 hrs = 5.769 Units used during the reporting period.

Unit Price

This is simply the price (per unit – GB, GHz, etc.) as defined in the service, for that property.

Effective Hourly Units

The value in Units divided by the number of hours in the reporting period.

Effective Hourly Rate

The total amount due for this item divided by the number of hours in the reporting period.