Price Model Setup

Price Model Interface

The Hyalto Price Model has two configuration levels – Solution and Resource

At the Solution Level, properties are defined which effect the pricing behaviour as a whole.  These include:

Payment Cycle – The Payment Cycle determines the time bucket or period that the related Solution fees are applied against.  These include Hourly, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.  For example, if a Base Fee of $50.00 is set for a Solution with a Payment Cycle of Weekly, the $50.00 will be charged for every one-week period within the user determined reporting window.  Depending on the Calculation Method configured, partial weeks will be calculated either on a prorated or complete week basis.

Calculation Method -  This setting can be set to Average or Peak.  As the name implies, Average calculates the average number of ordered/used units within a given reporting period.   The Peak setting uses the upper most value of ordered/used units within a given reporting period.

Recurring Payment Type – Allows for two fee setting options; Base Fee or Flat Fee

Base Fee – A Base Fee can be set to accommodate a recurring fee which is applied on a prorated basis for the given Payment Cycle setting.

Flat Fee - A Flat Fee can be set to accommodate a recurring fee which is applied in its totality (as opposed to prorated) for the given Payment Cycle setting.

One Time Fee – This is a non-recurring, one-time fee which is applied to the given Solution.

At the Resource Level, properties are defined which effect the given resource or property within the Solution.  For vCenter and vCloud Solutions, the resources include fee settings for RAM, Compute and Storage.  These fee settings include:

Recurring Ordered – the assigned fees are applied based exclusively on the quantity of resource ordered by the Client and allocated by the Service Provider for the given Payment Cycle setting.

Recurring Usage - the assigned fees are applied based exclusively on the quantity of resource in use by the Client for the given Payment Cycle setting.

At the Resource Level for Edge Gateway the resources include fee settings for Size, High Availability, Load Balancer, IPSec and SSL VPN.  For XaaS Solutions, the resources include fee settings for interface selections such as Min Max Slider, Text Box, Checkbox, Radio Button and Assigned Services.  The fee settings for these resources are:

Recurring Base - the assigned fees are applied based on the quantity of resource in use by the Client on a prorated basis.

Recurring Flat Fee - the assigned fees are applied in their totality (as opposed to prorated) based on the quantity of resource in use by the Client.

Detailed Invoice Report

The Hyalto Detailed Invoice Report is the base report used by Service Providers to generate an invoice for their clients.  The report is exportable into an Excel (.xlsx) format with each Service Provider client being assigned an individual worksheet.  The content is also retrievable through the Hyalto API. 

Client Name -The Service Provider enters this info in Hyalto when creating a Client entity – See Marketplace/Channel Management. 

Client Id - This ID is generated by Hyalto when a new Client is created.

Customer Identifier - This identifier is entered into the Hyalto system by the Service Provider when a Client is created.  It is typically the unique identifier used by the Service Providers billing or ERP system to identify a customer within that application.

Service Name - In Hyalto, the Service Provider will create Solutions to expose in the Clients’ Marketplace.  When a Client purchases a Solution, we call the purchased entity a Service.  Somewhat similar to the Blueprint concept in AirSembly.  The same Solution can be purchased multiple times by the same Client creating multiple Services.  By default, the Service Name is the name of the Solution, however the Client has the ability to edit or change the Service Name either while purchasing or after the fact.

Service Id - This is generated by Hyalto.  Each Service described above is assigned a unique identifier.            

Start Date - This is the date and time the given Service was procured.            

State - The State field defines the state of the Service at the time the report is being generated.  The possible values are Purchased or Deleted.

Property - The Property content is determined by the Service Provider.  It is based on the properties you define in the Pricing model of the given Hyalto Solution/Service.  For vCenter and vDCs, these properties are related to RAM, Compute, Storage and Base.  The Base property applies to whatever base fees may be applied to the Service at the SKU level.  For XaaS Solutions/Services, the property listed in the report is the name of the XaaS service.

Sku - These would be Service Provider Skus as required by your ERP or billing system.  When creating a Solution, The Service Provider will be prompted to enter a sku string for the Solution and for each Property in the Solution.  In Hyalto, the system will insert random sku strings by default, if no Sku is provided by the Service Provider.          

Payment Cycle - The Payment Cycle information is determined by the Service Provider when creating a Solution.  It is pulled from the Hyalto Price Model content set up for the given Solution in Hyalto.  The value selected in the Solution (Monthly, Daily, Weekly …) determines the time bucket or period that will be the basis for how Solution fees are applied.  For example, if a Base Fee of $50.00 is set for a Solution with a Payment Cycle of Weekly, the $50.00 will be charged for every one-week period within the user determined reporting window.   In this same example, any partial weekly fees will be calculated by taking the actual number of utilized hours within the given weekly period and dividing it by a full week in hours – e.g. 72/168 for 3 full days in one week.

Pricing Model - The Pricing Model is determined by the Service Provider when creating a Solution.  The report information is pulled from the Price Model content set up for the given Solution in Hyalto.  They define the billing behavior for each Property value.  For example, the RAM property can be set up to bill based on allocation (Recurring Ordered) or Usage (Recurring Usage).

Unit - This information is pulled from Hyalto based on the number of units procured for the property (RAM, Compute …) for the given Service e.g. 4 Gigs of RAM, 20 Gigs of Storage ….  If the value of those units has been adjusted up or down within the given reporting period (set by the To and From dates), the calculation will prorate the value accordingly.  In the following two examples, we'll use a 13 hour usage period:

You start the period of the report with 5 Units of RAM.   The Unit calculation would be: (5 Units * 13 hrs) / 13 hrs = 5 Units used during the reporting period.

You start the period of the report with 5 Units of RAM. Eight (8) hours into the period, you increase your RAM to 7 Units.  The Unit calculation would be: (5 Units * 8 hrs) + (7 Units * 5 hrs) / 13 hrs = 5.769 Units used during the reporting period.

Unit Price - The Unit Price is pulled directly from Hyalto based on what has been defined by the Service Provider in the Price Model for the given Solution.  

Duration Units - Duration Units is a time-of-usage metric which is set based on the Payment Cycle setting.  If the Payment Cycle is set to Hours, the value will be calculated as the number of hours the Service was available in the given reporting period e.g. for the month of March, a 31-day month, the duration is 744 hours.  If the Payment Cycle is set to Months and the report is executed for the same month of March, the duration would be 1.  If the Payment Cycle is set to Daily and the report is executed for the same month of March, the duration would be 31.

Total - The Total is calculated in Hyalto by multiplying Unit * Unit Price * Duration Units.

Price Model and Invoice Report Examples

Below, you will find a series of scenarios and configuration settings along with the expected reporting output for that given set of parameters. 

Scenario 1: A vCloud solution was procured by Client A on the first day of a new billing period and used for the entire period between March 1st and March 31st (1 month).

Solution Level:

Solution Type - vCloud Pay As You Go

Payment Cycle - Monthly

Calculation Method - Average

Recurring Payment Type - Base Fee = $50

One Time Fee = $0

Resource Level:


Fee Setting



Unit Fee

Actual Ordered


Recurring Ordered






Recurring Ordered






Recurring Ordered





Reporting Output:

Scenario 2: A vCloud solution was procured by Client A at the mid-point of a billing period and used for the time window between March 15th and March 31st (16 days or 384 hours).

Solution Level:

Solution Type - vCloud Pay As You Go

Payment Cycle - Hourly

Calculation Method – Average

Recurring Payment Type – Base Fee = $0

One Time Fee = $0

Resource Level:


Fee Setting



Unit Fee

Actual Ordered


Recurring Ordered






Recurring Ordered






Recurring Ordered





Reporting Output:

Scenario 3: A vCloud solution was procured by Client A on the first day of a new billing period (March 1st).  At the quarter-point of the billing period (mid-day March 8th or 186 hours into the billing cycle), the client increased their RAM order by 100% (10 additional Gigs) and used that volume for the remainder of the billing period (March 31st ).

Solution Level:

Solution Type - vCloud Pay As You Go

Payment Cycle - Hourly

Calculation Method – Average

Recurring Payment Type – Base Fee = $0

One Time Fee = $0

Resource Level:


Fee Setting



Unit Fee

Initial Order

Adjusted Order


Recurring Ordered







Recurring Ordered







Recurring Ordered






Reporting Output:


Scenario 4: An XaaS solution offering Microsoft Server licenses is procured by Client A in the month of March.  Initially, the client purchases 12 licenses.  Over the course of the billing period, the client purchases another 13 licenses.

Solution Level:

Solution Type - XaaS

Payment Cycle - Monthly

Calculation Method – Peak

Recurring Payment Type – Flat Fee = $0

One Time Fee = $0

Resource Level:


Fee Setting



Unit Fee

Initial Order

Adjusted Order


Recurring Flat Fee







Recurring Flat Fee


Reporting Output: